Library Command 3.01,A big bug exists in this version ,when printing chinese text using the pplb.dll, the width of printed text can not be changed.
I use B_Prn_Text_TrueType() function,this function is declared like :
int B_Prn_Text_TrueType(int x,int y,int FSize,LPCTSTR FType,int Fspin,int FWeight,int FItalic,int FUnline,int FStrikeOut,LPCTSTR id_name,LPCTSTR data);
"FSize" argument set = 24 or set =12,
the height of text is changed,but the width of text do not change.
this bug is exists when Library Command 3.01 is distribution at first,
now, two years is passed, but this BIG BUG is exists too.
I am very dispear about Arogx!