
编号:3995 留言者名称:李辉 标题:请指教谢谢!
我们公司用214的条码机,我用delphi6+SQL7.0,请问怎样实现条码(三排)的打印 ,我下载了WINPPLB.dll,但不知怎么调用,请指教谢谢!
地区:其它    留言时间: 2004-7-21 19:34:06
        PURPOSE  Create a "barcode" object and a "counter" object.

         SYNTAX  int B_Prn_Barcode(int x,int y,int ori,char type[4],int narrow,
                              int width,int height, char human,LPCTSTR data);

      PARAMETER  int     x;               X coordinate in dots.
                 int     y;               Y coordinate in dots.
                 int     ori;             Orientation or print direction.
                                           Value: 0, 1, 2, 3.
                 char    type[4];         Bar code type as follows:
        | type|          Bar Code           | type|           Bar Code           |
        |  0  | Code 128 UCC (shipping cont-|  E30| EAN-13                       |
        |     | ainer code)                 +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E32| EAN-13 2 digit add-on        |
        |  1  | Code 128 subset A,B and C   +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E35| EAN-13 5 digit add-on        |
        |  1E | UCC/EAN                     +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E80| EAN-8                        |
        |  2  | Interleaved 2 of 5          +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E82| EAN-8 2 digit add-on         |
        |  2C | Interleaved 2 of 5 with che-+-----+------------------------------+
        |     | ck sum digit                |  E85| EAN-8 5 digit add-on         |
        |  2D | Interleaved 2 of 5 with hum-|  K  | Codabar                      |
        |     | an readable check digit     +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  P  | Postnet                      |
        |  2G | German Postcode             +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UA0| UPC-A                        |
        |  2M | Matrix 2 of 5               +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UA2| UPC-A 2 digit add-on         |
        |  2U | UPC Interleaved 2 of 5 (应输入13位)     +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UA5| UPC-A 5 digit add-on         |
        |  3  | Code 3 of 9                 +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UE0| UPC-E                        |
        |  3C | Code 3 of 9 with check sum  +-----+------------------------------+
        |     | digit                       |  UE2| UPC-E 2 digit add-on         |
        |  9  | Code 93                     |  UE5| UPC-E 5 digit add-on         |
                 int     narrow;          Narrow bar width in pixels.
                 int     width(无效参数);           Wide bar width in pixels.
                 int     height;          Bar code height in pixels.
                 char    human;           N -no text is printed or B - the human
                                           readable text is printed.
                 LPCTSTR data;            A text string. When the data is added the
                                           format for <Operation Number> is added
                                           counter. Operation: "+" or "-" sign,
                                                    Number: 0 ~ 32768 number.

1990年,Symbol技术公司的Ynjiun P.Wang等人设计了一种便携式数据文件条码PDF417 (Portable Data File)高密度条码,利用行鉴别原理,错误检测校正等技术正确地收集组织数据,在识读设备与印刷技术上兼容条码工业标准。

上述Code 49、PDF 417码其信息密度高于普通条码,但所有这些符号表示法主要是为静态应用或手持应用系统设计的。对于工厂自动化生产线上运动产品的识别、邮政包裹传输带上自动包裹分拣处理等问题就不尽人意了。UPS公司的Figrare lla等人研制的UPS Code二维符号表示法就是为包裹在分布环境下运动的特性而设计的自动分类系统,称之为便携式数据库。该系统的作用是通过安装在传输带上方的阅读器识读每个特定包裹的邮编信息,摄象机获取的象素数据(PixeI Data)转换成数据形式被放大,抵偿非均匀照明。一种特定的牛眼探测器的存在并被用来识别标笺的中心位置,通过图象处理确定标笺方位,识别六角形中心,进行二维码重建,误差较正和译码,输出正确信息将包裹导人正确的滑槽而实现邮包的自动分拣处理。