
编号:3999 留言者名称:姚先生 标题:条码连续输出
地区:其它    留言时间: 2004-7-22 10:01:15
        PURPOSE  Create a "barcode" object.

         SYNTAX  int A_Prn_Barcode(int x, int y, int ori, char type, int narrow,
                     int width, int height, char mode, int numeric, LPTSTR data);

      PARAMETER  int     x;          X coordinate.
                 int     y;          Y coordinate.
                 int     ori;        Orientation or print direction.
                                     Value: 1,2,3,4
                 char    type;       Bar code type as follows:
     |Bar code    |Length    |Check|Type for|Type for   |Valid        |Bar ratio|
     |            |          |sum  |readable|nonreadable|codes        |         |
     |            |          |     |string  |string     |             |         |
     |Code 3 of 9 |variable  |no   |'A'     |'a'        |0~9,A~Z,$%*+-|2:1~     |
     |            |          |     |        |           |./and space  |3:1      |
     |UPC-A       |12 digis  |yes  |'B'     |'b'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |            |(11+1)    |     |        |           |             |         |
     |UPC-E       |7 digits  |yes  |'C'     |'c'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |            |(6+1)     |     |        |           |             |         |
     |Interleaved |variable  |no   |'D'     |'d'        |0~9          |2:1~     |
     |2 of 5 (I25)|          |     |        |           |             |3:1      |
     |Code 128    |variable  |yes  |'E'     |'e'        |form code 0  |2:3:4    |
     |            |          |     |        |           |to 127       |         |
     |EAN-13      |13 digits |yes  |'F'     |'f'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |            |(12+1)    |     |        |           |             |         |
     |ENA-8       |8 digits  |yes  |'G'     |'g'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |            |(7+1)     |     |        |           |             |         |
     |HBIC        |variable  |yes  |'H'     |'h'        |0~9,A~Z,$%*+-|2:1~     |
     |            |          |     |        |           |./and space  |3:1      |
     |Coda bar    |at least 3|no   |'I'     |'i'        |0~9,A~Z,$+-. |2:1~     |
     |            |characters|     |        |           |And /        |3:1      |
     |Interleaved |variable  |yes  |'J'     |'j'        |0~9          |2:1~     |
     |2 of 5 with +----------+     |        |           |             |3:1      |
     |a modulo 10 checksum   |     |        |           |             |         |
     |Plessey     |1~14      |yes  |'K'     |'k'        |0~9          |2:1~     |
     |            |digits    |     |        |           |             |3:1      |
     |Interleaved |variable  |yes  |'L'     |'l'        |0~9          |2:1~     |
     |2 of 5 with +----------+-----+--------+-----------+             |3:1      |
     |a modulo 10 checksum and shipping bearer bars     |             |         |
     |UPC2        |2 digits  |no   |'M'     |'m'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |UPC5        |5 digits  |no   |'N'     |'n'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |Code 93     |variable  |no   |'O'     |'o'        |0~9,A~Z,$%*+-|2:3:4    |
     |            |          |     |        |           |./and space  |         |
     |Postnet     |variable  |yes  |not     |'p'        |0~9          |         |
     |            |          |     |defined |           |             |         |
     |UCC/EAN Code|20 digits |yes  |'Q'     |'q'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |128         |(19+1)    |     |        |           |             |         |
     |UCC/EAN Code|18 digits |yes  |'R'     |'r'        |0~9          |2:3:4    |
     |128 k-MART  |          |     |        |           |             |         |
     |Matrix 2 5  |variable  |no   |'S'     |'s'        |0~9          |2:1~     |
     |            |          |     |        |           |             |3:1      |
     |Telepen     |variable  |yes  |'T'     |'t'        |form code 0  |2:3:4    |
     |            |          |     |        |           |to 127       |         |
     |FIM         |1         |no   |not     |'v'        |A,B,C and D  |         |
     |            |character |     |defined |           |             |         |
      Note: See Programmer Manual P.63~76.
                 int     narrow;     Define the narrow bar width from 0 ~ 24.
                 int     width;      Define the wide bar width from 0 ~ 24.
                 int     height;     Bar code height. Value:0 ~ 999.
                 char    mode;       Add function as follows:
                                     |mode|           REMARK                    |
                                     | A  |Make auto increment for numeric.     |
                                     | B  |Make auto increment for alphanumeric.|
                                     | C  |Make auto decrement for numeric.     |
                                     | D  |Make auto decrement for alphanumeric.|
                                     | N  |Disable.                             |
                 int     numeric;    Automaticall increment or decrement the filed
                                      value. Value:0 ~ 99.
                 LPTSTR  data;       Data string.

条码是用来收集有关任何人,地,或物的资料的自动识别(Auto ID)技术中的主要部分。条码的应用是无限的。它被用来做物品检索,存货控制,时间和出勤记录,生产过程的监视,质量控制,进出分类,订单的输入,资料的检索,对警戒地区的进入控制,送货与收货。仑储,路线管理,柜台售货。并可以做为照顾病人的帮手,检索药物的应用,给病人开帐单。
