
编号:4019 留言者名称:小王 标题:OS-214(PPLA)打印机怎样实现汉字打印!
地区:其它    留言时间: 2004-7-23 18:47:18
        PURPOSE  Create a "True Type Font" text object.

         SYNTAX  int A_Prn_Text_TrueType(int x, int y, int FSize, LPCTSTR FType,
                                int Fspin, int FWeight, int FItalic, int FUnline,
                                int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR data,
                                int mem_mode);
 int A_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(int x, int y, int FHeight, int FWidth,
                                LPCTSTR FType, int Fspin, int FWeight, int FItalic,
int FUnline, int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name,
LPCTSTR data, int mem_mode);

      PARAMETER  int      x;              X coordinates.
                 int      y;              Y coordinates.
                 int      FSize;          TrueType font size,unit is (dot).
FSize = (dpi * point) / 72.
 int      FHeight;        Font Height, unit is (dot).
FHeight = (dpi * point) / 72.
                 int      FWidth;         Font Width, unit is (dot).
FWidth = (dpi * point) / 72.
                 LPCTSTR  FType;          TrueType font type name.
                 int      Fspin;          TrueType font to rotate.
                                           1 -> 0, 2 -> 90, 3 -> 180, 4 -> 270
                 int      FWeight;        TrueType font thickness bellow:
                                           0 and NULL and 400 -> standard,
                                           100 -> special thin,200 -> very thin,
                                           300 -> thin        ,500 -> middle,
                                           600 -> half thick  ,700 -> thick,
                                           800 -> special thick,900 ->blackbody.
                 int      FItalic;        TrueType font italic.
                                           0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE.
                 int      FUnline;        TrueType font underline.
                                           0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE.
                 int      FStrikeOut;     TrueType font StrikeOut.
                                           0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE.
                 LPCTSTR  id_name;        To give a id name to store in printer after
                                           calling text by Load_Pcx().
                 LPCTSTR  data;           A text string.
                 int      mem_mode;       Memory mode, 1 => RAM
                                                       2 => Flash Memory
